Daily log overview
  • 01 Aug 2024
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Daily log overview

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Article summary

The daily log is the main screen that appears when you open Carb Manager. It is where you log meals, snacks, supplements, water, steps, exercise, and if you have a Premium subscription, blood glucose, ketones, or insulin readings. As you log food items, charts in the daily log show your current nutrition totals and progress toward your health goals.

  • To open the daily log, select image-1601915998408 Daily Log from the main menu.

The daily log automatically opens to the current day, but you can view any day.

View progress charts

The top of the daily log includes charts that show the nutrition you consume and your nutrition goals for the current day and week. Carb Manager automatically updates the charts as you log nutrition information.

  • Select image-1601915998408 Daily Log from the main menu to view charts at the top of the daily log. (If you use Carb Manager on a small screen, scroll or swipe a chart left or right to see more charts in the daily log.)

My Macros chart

The My Macros chart shows the share of calories or kilojoules that you consumed or plan to consume (if you started a meal plan) for each macronutrient during the day. The chart also shows the amount of carbs that you consumed based on the type of carbs that you choose to track.

  • Select an item from drop-down list in the My Macros chart to view different types of information. (The options that are available, such as Net Values versus Actual, depend on your macros settings.)

The following items are available in the My Macros chart if the setting to deduct calories/kilojoules burned with exercise is turned on.

  • Net Values — Shows the portion of each macro you consumed minus the calories/kilojoules burned during logged exercise. Macros burned during exercise are also subtracted from the net values if you turned on the deduct macros burned with exercise setting.
  • Planned — Shows the portion of each macro you consumed and any planned meals that are in your daily log.
  • Consumed — Shows the portion of each macro you consumed.
  • Burned — Shows the macros you burned during exercise, which are divided between the types of macros.
  • Goal — Shows the portion of each macro that you can consume based on your daily goals.

The following items are available in the My Macros chart if the setting to deduct calories/kilojoules burned with exercise is turned off.

  • Actual — Shows the portion of each macro you consumed during the day.
  • Planned — Shows the portion of each macro you consumed and any planned meals that are in your daily log.
  • Goal — Shows the portion of each macro that you can consume based on your daily goals.

My Goals chart

The My Goals chart shows the number of calories/kilojoules and macros — carbs, proteins, and fats — that you consumed during the day and the remaining calories/kilojoules and macros that you can consume based on your goals.

My Week chart

The My Week chart shows your nutrition totals for each day of the past week. The value displayed below the drop-down list shows the amount you consumed of the selected item during the day.

  • Select one of the following items from the drop-down list in the chart to view that information.

In-depth details

You can see more details about the food and nutrition that you consume, including nutrition totals for all foods and supplements that you have logged.

  • Select the In-Depth Details button in the daily log. (On a small screen, the In-Depth Details button appears at the end of the list of daily log entries. On a large screen, the In-Depth Details button appears on the right side of the screen.)

For more information about progress charts, see View progress charts of daily nutrition goals and totals.

View streaks

Carb Manager keeps track of the number of days in a row that you meet your carb and macro goals. Your current streak appears under your name near the top of the screen. Select the down arrow to view your current streak for carbs, protein, fats, or calories/kilojoules.

Tip: Your streak will break if you exceed a macro goal by a fraction of a gram. To help meet your goals, set your daily log to show decimal points.
Tip: If you use the Carb Manager mobile app and you want to see more of the daily log on your screen, you can hide the greeting and streaks. For details, see Hide the greeting and streaks in the daily log.
Note: Your streak will break if you skip logging for a day. If you are fasting, toggle "I'm Done Logging Today" to exclude that day and maintain your streak.

Log meals, snacks, and supplements

The daily log includes sections for the meals, snacks, and supplements that you may want to track each day. Log foods that you find in our database or log custom foods that you create.

Tip: If you are a Premium member, you can hide meal sections, reorder meal sections, change the names of meal sections, and change meal times to match your routine and schedule. For details, see Customize meal sections in the daily log and Set time ranges for meals, snacks, and supplements.
  • To log a meal, snack, or supplement, go to the Daily Log (web app users only) and select Add Item(image of Add Food button) Add Food. Or go to the section in the daily log for the type of item that you want to log (for example, Breakfast) and select the Add Food button.

For more details, see the following articles.

For details about creating custom foods, including supplements, see the following articles.


Log exercise and steps

The Daily Workout section in the daily log is where you record cardio and strength-training exercises. Choose from many common exercises from our database or create your own custom exercises. You can also record the number of steps that you take each day and view your progress toward your daily goal.

  • To log an exercise, go to the Daily Log (web app users) and select Add Item(image of Exercise button) Exercise. Or go to the Daily Workout section in the daily log and select the Add Exercise button.

For more details, see the following articles.

For details about creating custom exercises, see the following articles.

Tip: If you are a Premium member and have a fitness device such as a Fitbit or an app such as Google Health Connect, you can automatically sync your fitness data with Carb Manager.

Log blood glucose, ketone, and insulin measurements

You can log blood glucose, ketone, and insulin measurements with your meals or workouts.

  • To log a blood glucose, ketone, or insulin measurement, go to the Daily Log, select Options next to a meal section (for example, Breakfast) or the Daily Workout section heading depending on where you want to log the measurement, and select Add Glucose Reading, Add Ketone Reading, or Add Insulin.

For more information, see the following articles.

Tip: You can also log blood glucose and ketone measurements from the main menu. Select (image of Add button) Add Item, then select (image of Glucose button) Glucose or (image of Ketones button) Ketones. The measurements will be added to the meal section that is closest to the current time of day.
Tip: If you have a BIOSENSE® breath ketone monitor, you can automatically add ketone measurements to Carb Manager. For details, see Sync BIOSENSE breath ketones with Carb Manager.

Log water

You can record the amount of water that you drink from the main menu and from the Water section in the daily log.

  1. Go to the Home icon Daily Log.
  2. Go to the Water section, or select (image of Add button) Add Item(image of Add Water button) Add Water.
  3. Select a water glass  for each glass that you drink.

For more details, see Track water consumption.

Tip: You can change the amount of water that each glass represents to match the amount of water that you typically drink in each glass. For details, see Change units of measurement (metric, imperial, and density).
Tip for iPhone owners: If you use Carb Manager on an iPhone that is paired with an Apple Watch, you can install Carb Manager on your watch and track your water consumption. You can also view daily and weekly nutrition summaries.

Add notes

If you want to record more information about your day, you can add general notes to the daily log and add notes about meals and workouts.

  • To add a general note to the daily log, select the Notes button. (The Notes button appears below the list of daily log entries on a small screen or on the right side of a large screen.)
  • To add a note to a meal section or the Daily Workout section, select Options next to the section heading where you want to add the note, then select Add Note.

For more details, see Add, edit, and delete notes in the daily log.

Manage daily log entries

You can copy, move, edit, and remove any daily log entry, including planned entries that appear in the daily log but aren’t yet logged. You can also add and remove photos of your meals, share daily logs with other people in your community, and more.

  • To edit, copy, or remove an entry: Go to the entry that you want to change, select the Expander near the side of the entry, and select one of the following options: Edit, Copy, or Remove.
  • To copy, move, or remove all entries that appear in a meal section: Select Options next to the meal section heading where your entries appear, then select one of the following options: Copy To, Reorder / Move, or Remove All.
  • To copy all entries from one day to another: Select the Copy button. (The Copy button appears below the list of daily log entries on a small screen or on the right side of a large screen.)
  • To remove all entries for an entire day: Select the Remove button in the daily log. (The Remove button appears below the list of daily log entries on a small screen or on the right side of a large screen.)
  • To share your daily log with others via email: Select the Share button in the daily log. (The Share button appears below the list of daily log entries on a small screen or on the right side of a large screen.)

For more details, see the following articles.

Mark each day as complete when you’re done logging or fasting

  • Select I’m Done Logging Today in the daily log after you log all of your meals each day or if you are fasting.

It is especially important for those who track fasting to mark each day as complete because if you don’t log food or supplements, Carb Manager assumes that you forgot to log. It will not include skipped meals in your nutrition summaries or your fasting windows unless you select I’m Done Logging Today. If you’ve met your net carbs goal, selecting I’m Done Logging Today will trigger a small celebration!

Join a Carb Manager Challenge

Carb Manager Challenges are friendly competitions between members, or private solo contests, which can help you get motivated and stay motivated about your diet and health goals. Earn points when you log food and exercise, stay under your carb goal, reach your macros goal, and drink enough water. The Carb Manager Challenge section of the daily log shows your point totals and your rank among other members. (The Carb Manager Challenge section of the daily log appears below the list of daily log entries on a small screen or on the right side of a large screen.) A new challenge starts every Monday and lasts for four weeks.

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