Add, edit, and delete notes in the daily log
  • 07 Oct 2020
  • 1 Minute to read
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Add, edit, and delete notes in the daily log

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Article Summary

You can add a general note to the daily log and add notes that are specific to meals, snacks, supplements, and workouts.

General notes in the daily log

General notes appear in the daily log and can serve as a reminder to you about the day as a whole.

Add a general note

  1. Go to the Home icon Daily Log.
  2. Select Notes. (On a small screen, the button appears at the end of the list of daily log entries. On a large screen, the button appears on the right side of the screen.)
  3. Enter a note in the field. Carb Manager automatically saves the information.

The note appears in the Notes section.

Edit a general note

  • Click anywhere in the note area, then make changes. Carb Manager automatically saves your changes.

Delete a general note

  • To delete a note in your daily log, click anywhere in the note area and delete the note. Carb Manager automatically saves your changes.

Notes for specific foods and workouts

Notes for meals, snacks, supplements, and workouts can help you remember specific details about it in the future.

Add a specific note

  1. Go to the Home icon Daily Log.
  2. Go to a meal, snack, supplement, or workout and select Options icon Options > Add Note.
  3. Enter a note in the Add Note dialog.
  4. Select Add Note to save the note.

If you entered information for a meal, snack, supplement, or workout, the note appears below the entry. If you did not create an entry for a meal, snack, supplement, or workout, the note appears at the top of that specific section.

Tip: You can add multiple notes for a single item.

Edit a specific note

  • To edit a note for a meal, snack, supplement, or workout, click anywhere in the note area to open the note editor. Edit the note as needed and select Edit Note.

Delete a specific note

  • To delete a note for a meal, snack, supplement, or workout, click anywhere in the note area to open the note editor, and select Delete.