Set detailed macro and energy goals
  • 01 Apr 2024
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Set detailed macro and energy goals

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Article summary

In addition to your main diet, energy (calorie or kilojoule), and macro goals, you can set goals for calories/kilojoules, fiber, starch, sugars, specific fats, dietary cholesterol, glycemic load, and more. Premium members can also apply these goals to specific days of the week, which is known as macro cycling.

Note: For a list of macronutrient and energy goals that you can set, see the List of macro and energy goals section.

Set macro and energy goals

  1. Go to Settings icon  Settings.
  2. In the Goal Settings section, select Macros Chart icon  Macronutrient & Energy.
  3. Optional: If you have a Premium subscription and you want to apply these goals to a specific day instead of every day, which is known as macro cycling, select a day in the Select Frequency section.
  4. Enter a value for each macronutrient that you want to track, and choose whether your goal is to stay above or below that value.
    Tip: You can choose whether to track total carbs, net carbs, or diabetes carbs in Carb Manager.
    Tip: For information about carb, protein, and fat ratios, see Review diet options for macro goals.
    Note: Changes that you make to calories/kilojoules, carbs, protein, and fats are also applied to your main diet, energy (calorie or kilojoule), and macro goals.
  5. Optional: To apply these macro and energy goals to past days as well as future days, select Show Advanced, select Apply to Past & Future Days, then select Remove. This will remove any detailed macro and energy goals that you previously set and replace them with the current goals.
  6. Optional: If you have a Premium subscription and you want to apply the same goals or different goals to other days of the week, repeat the previous steps.

Carb Manager automatically saves your goals.

Tip: You can also set up carb and macro cycling when you set your main diet, energy, and macro goals.

List of macro and energy goals

You can set goals for the following items.

  • Calories or kilojoules
  • Total Carbs
  • Net Carbs
  • Diabetes Carbs
  • Fat
  • Protein
  • Fiber
  • Sugar
  • Added Sugar
  • Sugar Alcohols
  • Allulose
  • Starch
  • Saturated Fat
  • Monounsaturated Fat
  • Polyunsaturated Fat
  • Omega-3 Fat
  • Omega-6 Fat
  • Cholesterol (This is dietary cholesterol. For blood cholesterol goals, see Set health goals for weight, activity, fasting, and more.)
  • Glycemic Load