Set time ranges for meals, snacks, and supplements
  • 15 Apr 2024
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Set time ranges for meals, snacks, and supplements

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Article summary

The default time ranges for meals in Carb Manager are based on traditional meal times. However, if you have a different routine such as a job on a night shift, and you have a Premium subscription, you can customize the time ranges to match when you usually log meals, snacks, and supplements.

The default meal times are as follows:

  • Breakfast: Meals logged before 11 AM.
  • Lunch: Meals logged between 11 AM and 4 PM.
  • Dinner: Meals logged between 4 PM and 11:59 PM.
Note: Snacks and supplements don’t have default times.
  1. Go toSettings icon Settings.
  2. In My Settings, select App Settings icon App Settings.
  3. In the Meal Preferences section, select Meal Timing.
  4. Complete the following steps to set a time for each meal, snack, or supplement.
    1. Select a meal, snack, or supplement.
      Note: If you previously hid a meal section, as described in Customize meal sections in the daily log, that meal will not be listed in Meal Timing. To show hidden meals, go to App Settings icon App Settings > Customize Meals and select the Hide icon icon to show a hidden meal.
    2. Enter a time.