Sync wellness data between a Fitbit device and Carb Manager
  • 15 Dec 2022
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Sync wellness data between a Fitbit device and Carb Manager

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Article summary

If you have a Premium subscription and you connect Carb Manager to your Fitbit account, you can share wellness data between Fitbit and Carb Manager. Carb Manager imports exercise and health data from Fitbit.

Data that is shared

Carb Manager imports the following information from Fitbit.

  • steps
  • exercise minutes — includes time engaged in any activity above 3.0 metabolic equivalents (METs), where 1.0 MET equals the energy used while resting
  • exercise calories/kilojoules burned — is calculated using Fitbit's energy burned from total activity, including basal metabolic rate (BMR) and subtracting the BMR portion of calories burned
  • weight
  • body fat %
  • sleep — includes overall tracked sleep time minus your time spent awake and restless
Note: For more information about data that is imported from a Fitbit device, see Fitbit's documentation:
Note about calorie/kilojoule calculations: The total number of calories/kilojoules burned that is displayed in your Fitbit device will be different from the total that appears in Carb Manager after Carb Manager imports the activity. In Fitbit, calories/kilojoules burned include basal metabolic rate (BMR) plus calories/kilojoules burned through exercise minutes. Because Carb Manager only imports calories/kilojoules burned through exercise, Carb Manager subtracts the BMR from the total calories/kilojoules before displaying the results in your daily log.

Carb Manager exports the following information to Fitbit.

  • foods — includes a list of foods you consumed, calories/kilojoules per food, and the total macros for foods in a meal
  • recipes — includes the name of a recipe and the calories/kilojoules and macros for the entire recipe
  • meals — includes the category for which you logged it (such as Breakfast or Snack), a calorie/kilojoule summary, and a macro breakdown for the day

Connect Fitbit to Carb Manager

  1. Ensure the mobile device or computer where you use Carb Manager is connected to the internet.
  2. Sign in to Carb Manager.
  3. Go to Settings icon  Settings.
  4. In My Settings, select App Settings icon App Settings.
  5. Optional: If you plan to consistently log exercise, Carb Manager can automatically deduct energy (calories or kilojoules) and macros from your daily totals based on the energy burned from active exercise. In the Macros Settings section, turn on Enable Calories/Kilojoules Burned and, optionally, Enable Macros Burned Deduction. For details, see Deduct energy (calories or kilojoules) and macros when you log exercise.
    Important: If you turned on the option to deduct energy (calories or kilojoules) when you log exercise, be sure the activity level you selected in your profile matches your daily lifestyle and your intention to log activity from a synced fitness device or app. If you previously set a high activity level because you exercise and your daily activity primarily consists of exercise that you intend to log in Carb Manager, then select Sedentary as your activity level to ensure Carb Manager doesn’t count the energy that you burn twice.
  6. Go to the Health & Fitness Device Links section and select Fitbit.
  7. Follow the on-screen instructions to sign in to your Fitbit account and to grant Carb Manager access to your wellness data.

Now, when you view a day in Carb Manager’s daily log, Carb Manager and Fitbit share wellness data if data is present. For details, see View wellness data from a fitness device or app.

Tip: If you have problems connecting Carb Manager to your Fitbit device, see Troubleshoot issues from a fitness device or app.